Extend the Life of Your Hearing Devices With Routine Care Hearing aids can connect us to what matters most, which is why it’s so important that they are well cared for and always operating at their best. Provide them the...
Aviation and Your Ears
What Happens to Your Ears During a Flight? Those moments during the beginning and end of a flight — you can’t hear yourself talk because your ears are plugged up from the pressure? That’s no fun! A question may pop...
Causes of Ear Itching
Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It Next to pain, itching is probably the most uncomfortable physical sensation. It is annoying, distracting, and in some cases, absolutely maddening. When that itching occurs in a place you can’t...
Why Do My Ears Feel Wet in the Morning?
Your Ears Work Hard So You Don’t Have To Many people notice that their ears feel wet in the morning from time to time (or often). If you can relate, you’ve probably wondered why it happens. Here’s the short answer:...
6 Fascinating Animal Facts: Hearing Edition
Animal Hearing Is Not One-Size-Fits-All The animal kingdom has developed a surprising variety of hearing — or non-hearing — styles based on anatomy, environment, and necessity. Let’s look at a few. Did You Know Cats Have Pockets? Just above...
Encouraging Tinnitus Research
Ringing in the Ears: Hope for Tomorrow, Solutions Today If you’ve ever felt the sensation of buzzing, humming, or whooshing in your ears, but no one around you seems to hear it, you’re not alone. It could be tinnitus, a...
Study: Hearing Aids May Help Cut Mortality Risk
Research Adds New Dimension to Importance of Optimal Ear Health An estimated 1 in 5 people worldwide have some form of hearing loss, but only a fraction of those who can benefit from hearing aids actually use them. This means...
Heading to College With Hearing Loss
Seeking Online Education Options? Check Out This Helpful Resource With so many choices for college, how do you choose the right one for your interests and needs — including accommodations if you have hearing loss? Over 17% of deaf students...
Spring Sounds: Keep Them Crisp With Helpful Hearing Aids
Don’t Miss Out on the Season’s Symphony for the Ears Giggling kids stomping in fresh puddles. Ball games bringing out big team spirit. New leaves rustling in the breeze. Spring’s in bloom with sound, and hearing it is part of...
How Loud Is It?
When Breaking Out the Power Tools, Protect Your Ears Since childhood, you’ve probably heard the warnings about loud noises and hearing loss. Maybe you’ve even experienced the sensation of ear pain, ringing in the ears, a headache, or a moment...